
Showing posts from September, 2019

That is why a content strategy is so important

That is why a content strategy is so important Content Marketing & SEO A strong content strategy is of great importance in your online marketing approach. Content marketing is gearing valuable and relevant content to your target group. It is a marketing technique with a specific goal: it runs from building a good image to generating leads to increased sales. Note: it seems easier than it is. It is not good to just send content to the world. It must also be valuable content for your target group. What does your target group want to know? What are they looking for? What questions do they have? With content is meant content with sufficient 'body'. When it comes to content on your website, it must be long enough to be appreciated by Google. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization or search engine optimization. That is the technique to make a website score higher in search engines and ensures that your content is found online faster. Search engines like Google are very s

Digital disruption: threat or opportunity? (PART 1)

Digital disruption: threat or opportunity?  A huge impact The impact of the digital revolution is huge. The technology continues to evolve and as long as that happens, the entire playing field evolves the consumer, competitor and the market as a whole. Innovation has a fundamental influence on the existence of a company. So we have to learn to deal with a rapidly changing environment. Consider, for example, the recent announcement of the mass redundancies at ING Bank. One of ING's motives is "technological innovation". Or take the travel sector: via which route did you book your trip this year? There is a good chance that you have done this online. Fight, flight, freeze In the past, only a few sectors were susceptible to digital disruption, but that has changed. In the current digital age of social media, smartphones, and wearables, newcomers can conquer the world in no time. How you actually tackle digital disruption depends on the industry in which you work, but

Digital disruption: threat or opportunity?

Digital disruption: threat or opportunity? The banking sector Due to the increasing digital possibilities, rapid changes are taking place in the financial sector. Just as with other sectors, new digital technologies are available within the banking sector, putting traditional banks under pressure. The banks are involved in many 'life steps' of consumers. For many, the time that we as consumers actually visit a local branch of our bank is almost over. Nowadays you can also perform financial transactions via mobile apps. The financial sector is progressive in itself with the use of these new technologies, but as a result, some banks are falling behind. ING is currently in the spotlight due to the rumor of possible mass layoffs due to, among other things, technological innovation. Thousands of jobs have been threatened by the possible closure of many ING bank branches. These conceivable closures can be attributed to various factors, but the increasing digitization plays a ver

Social media tips

Social media tips  Tip 1: Know why you use it Social media is not intended as a sales newspaper. It is not the intention to post pushing messages here. You should see this as a network that you build. It is a form of word of mouth and the intention is to talk about your company as much as possible, preferably in a positive way. Start from your business goals to determine your social media goals. Tip 2: Build a network Not so much the quantity, but the quality of your followers is important. Go for a network of current customers and other people you have worked with. A larger network may generate more credibility and trust, but it is the quality of your contacts that will help you generate more leads. You build a network primarily by publishing relevant content. Be up-to-date with current events. Also make a plan, so that you publish posts with a certain regularity, and ensure interaction with your target group. Tip 3: Combine social media channels Most of them may already hav

That is why you prepare buyer personas

That is why you prepare buyer personas Drawing up a buyer persona When preparing a buyer persona, you identify who your 'example buyers' are. We speak in plural because in most cases you have several target groups. Of course, you can categorize them from most to least business value. It is, therefore, best to start by drawing up a persona for the target group that delivers the most business value or in which you see the most potential that they will buy from you. In the first instance, you start collecting input about your target group. This can be done through research, surveys, interviews or get info from your CRM system. Also, ask your own sales staff or customer service. An analysis of existing communication channels can also provide insight into the behavior of your potential customer. A good buyer persona answers the following questions: What information does my target group need? How does my target group behave online and offline and on which channels are they act